Annual Report 2016
Thank you. With your support, we are empowering people to recover from crisis, build better lives and transform their communities for good.

Letter from our CEO
Dear friend of Mercy Corps,
While this past year we saw conflict, political upheaval and disaster upend the lives of innocent families, we remain steadfast in our belief that a better world is possible. There’s so much we’ve accomplished that’s worthy of acknowledgment and celebration.
In 2016 I saw boys and girls playing in Mercy Corps safe spaces. I watched women become pillars of their communities through job training. I heard the excitement of farmers learning to grow more food in sub-Saharan Africa. I felt the hope we are giving to refugees in Greece, Jordan, Nigeria and other countries around the world.
I feel fortunate to share every day with my inspiring colleagues and supportive people like you. Your partnership enables us to stand with people all over the world. Because of you, we were able to transform the lives of more than 30 million people last year. I’m grateful to share some of those accomplishments with you now. Thank you for making this work possible.
For a better world,
Neal Keny-Guyer, Chief Executive Officer
When the world needs us, we’re there
Mercy Corps works with local communities to help people meet their most urgent needs in conflict and disaster.
Last year, we responded to humanitarian emergencies around the world — war in Syria, drought in Ethiopia, hurricane in Haiti — with urgently needed cash, emergency kits, food, shelter, clean water and more.
Hammoudi’s Story

When Hammoudi was 10, he watched war closing in from his doorstep. Bombs pierced the skies over his home in Aleppo, Syria, crashing against buildings just feet away. No longer safe, his family had only one choice: flee into the unknown, and leave behind the only life they knew.
Today, more people have been forced from their homes than at any other point in history. But beneath the numbers are brave and determined survivors like Hammoudi: moms, dads, sons and daughters trying to make it in unfamiliar places far from home. Your support changes the world for people like them — those, like Hammoudi, who need our help the most.
Mercy Corps is responding to the Syrian refugee crisis in eight countries throughout the region. When Hammoudi’s family found safety in Lebanon, we were there providing clean water and sanitation in the settlement where they live. Now 14, Hammoudi is finding his voice in a Mercy Corps art therapy program that helps kids recover from crisis, adjust to their new homes and focus on being kids.

A stronger tomorrow is possible
Mercy Corps’ work extends beyond crises.
Around the world, we’re connecting millions of people to the resources they need to overcome chronic challenges, including hunger and poverty, and build a brighter future with support like job training, small business grants, schooling, and health and nutrition education.
Na’omi’s Story

For so long, Na’omi’s life was marked by loss. When Boko Haram attacked her village, she lost her husband. When she fled to safety with her kids, she lost her home. When they resettled in a new city, she lost the life they had built.
But Na’omi has since transformed her life. As soon as she and her kids were safe, she was ready to get back to work. Mercy Corps gave Na’omi a grant to start her own business selling dried fish in her new village. Today her business is profitable, her kids are back in school, and together they are safe and settled in their new home.
Your support empowers young girls to finish school, helps new babies grow up healthier, and gives men and women like Na’omi the path to a stronger tomorrow — even in moments when it seems impossible.

In 2016, Mercy Corps transformed the lives of over 30 million people.

2016 Financial Statement Summary
Read our complete financial statement ▸
Board of Directors
Linda Mason, Honorary Chair
Allen Grossman, Chair, Mercy Corps Global
Tom Murray, Chair, Mercy Corps Europe
Neal Keny-Guyer, Chief Executive Officer
Dan O’Neill, Founder
Adrienne Airlie
Nick Blazquez
Roberto Bocca
Scott Brown
Ryan Crocker
Gun Denhart
Mark Gordon
Paul Dudley Hart
He Daofeng
Lucy Lee Helm
Gisel Kordestani
Ned Lamont
Gayle Tzemach Lemmon
David Mahoney
Bob Newell
George Papandreou
Debu Purkayastha
Howard Taylor
Hank Vigil
Melissa Waggener Zorkin
Using your gifts wisely

Efficient and Accountable
Over the past five years, we have used 87 percent of our resources for programs that help people in need around the world.

Charity Navigator
Charity Navigator gives Mercy Corps its highest four-star rating for transparency and accountability.
Better Business Bureau
Mercy Corps meets all 20 standards of the Better Business Bureau Wise Giving Alliance for charity accountability.

Powered by the belief that a better world is possible, Mercy Corps partners to put bold solutions into action — helping people triumph over adversity and build stronger communities from within.
You can help save and transform lives

Support our work and help families in need. Call us at 888.842.0842, visit our donation page to make a gift, or learn about including Mercy Corps in your will.